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Budget Breakdown Show

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Get to know our guests through their financial priorities.

Our guests can't introduce themselves until the end of the show! We get to know them instead through their budget. We go line by line and share all the real details.

Listen along to piece together as much as you can about our mystery guests. Can you guess their occupation? Where they live? Etc? At the end you'll see how well you did... and hopefully pick up some good tips.

Budget Breakdown is a production of MyBudgetCoach, the best place to budget with the help and encouragement of a coach. Start today with a free 35-day free trial.

Be Our Guest...?

Do you keep a budget? Would you be interested in sharing your budget with our listeners? We'd love to have you! Fill out the form below. Don't worry, we'll help you redact any sensitive information so we only show/focus on the numbers you want to share with our audience.

Apply To Be On The Show