Personal Finance has become important to me due my own debt free journey. I started using credit cards as soon as I was able to at 18 and became perpetually deeply in debt. That created a domino effect with a car loan and student loans from both undergraduate and graduate studies. I amassed a six-figure student loan balance on top of all of the consumer debt that was weighing me down. I barely made enough to make the minimum payments and the vicious paycheck-to-paycheck cycle was wearing me down.
One day, I decided I didn’t want to live in chaos anymore. I had my “I’ve had it!” moment and started strategizing on a way to get out of the mess. I had no knowledge of personal finance and unfortunately, neither did my parents. I became determined to learn about money. I slowly worked my way out of credit card debt, paid off my car loan, and in 4 years with budgeting and side hustling, I paid over $100,000 in student loan debt.
It is my hope that my testimony can show others that there is a way to financial prosperity. Budgeting has been a way to create a solid foundation to not only help me pay off my debt, but to also stay on track, and see where my money is going. It is also my hope that MyBudgetCoach can do the same for you! While on MBC, I can be your accountability partner, whether you want to learn how to budget, save, or become debt free! I am here to cheer you on every step of the way.
Some fine print about our fine coaches.