Your Money Personality Is...
What good is money if you can't spend it? You put the "You" in YOLO. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed and you can always earn more money. But time is limited and you are an expert at making the most of it.
You know how to trade your money for memorable experiences and enjoyable things. You're always on the lookout for ways to spend your money that bring you joy. Your friends and family appreciate your generosity and call you the life of the party.
Saving for the future isn't top of your mind. This could mean future goals you'll never meet. You're also spending in a way that doesn't reflect your most true priorities. Sit down and list out what matters most to you. Now look at your bank statement from last month (I know it's scary but trust me). Do the two match? Could you be spending more on things you actually value more?
Money brings freedom to pursue your interests and follow the moment. Money comes and goes, so might as well use it while it's here.
We love that you spend on the things you want... but are you sure you are getting what you want most? Start a zero based budget to make a plan for your money BEFORE you spend it. Planning is still a rush. You get to game out all your spending for the month. Need to make a change on the fly? No worries. Your budget should reflect your priorities. When your priorities change your budget should too.
Budgeting allows Big Spenders to spend on the things they want most. Sure they'll adjust their plans more than most... but have a plan to adjust is WAY better than not knowing where you are going. Spenders find that budgeting allows them to get MORE of what they want today, while also saving some for tomorrow.