Your Money Personality Is...
You work hard for your money. You get a good paycheck. But you can't seem to get ahead. By the end of your pay period you are running low on cash. Savings seem out of reach. But why? You make good money. Why are you struggling paycheck to paycheck?
You've learned to live within your means. You make each paycheck last for the pay period. You aren't extravagant and aren't prone to wasteful spending. Your friends and family see you as reliable, a hard worker.
Living within your means is good. Living below your means is better. Sine you spend everything you earn you're not able to get ahead. You feel like your running on a treadmill: putting in the work but nothing to show for it.
Money comes and goes. You are proud of what you make but know you could be doing more to stretch each paycheck. Savings. Down payments. Kids college. There's got to be a way to make them work.
Budgeting can help you put aside a little bit more each month towards your future. Start by understanding your spending. Then ask yourself where you want to cut back, if even just a little. Small wins add up over time. Budgeting helps you celebrate these small wins. And encourages you to keep them up.
Budgeting helps Treadmill Runners finally get ahead. By giving every dollar a job and choosing where to cut back a little runners can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Small wins add up and before long these runners are off the treadmill and on to the races.